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Cataloxy Zaragoza...Empresas de ZaragozaIngenieriaEntertainment Solutions S.l.

Entertainment Solutions S.l.

INGEsuite interactive television system, the platform probably more complete interactive services for hotels. It is a compact solution that offers hotel gu
ingenieros tecnicos de telecomunicacion

Entertainment Solutions is an IT company based in Spain with its Headquarters, R&D and Operations Center located in Zaragoza. It has Commercial Services in Madrid and branch offices in Dubai and Panama City. ES integrates a highly experienced engineering team that supports R&D and worldwide deployments.
ES mission is to deliver people the right information and services at the right time, no matter where they are or how far home or offices resources are. Entertainment Solutions was born in 2006 as a Software Engineering Company with the commitment to support the growth of Internet Services and massive deployments, and to lead the evolution of the modern Information Society in the XXI Century.
In 2006 Entertainment Solutions designed and created a pioneer platform to support the Information Society and to support massive Big Data management. Internet of Things popularization: INGEsuite, INMOpack, HOSpitalia.
were born as the main modules of the ES Platform. As a pilot milestone, ES installed the first European Hotel supporting IPTV in 2007.
Today, Entertainment Solutions has worldwide presence through his partner program and is market leader in several countries in EU, Africa, Asia and LATAM.
We are now present in 40 countries: as an example of our penetration capacity, the flexibility and reliability of our platform, in the past year 2013 Entertainment Solutions deployed projects in more than 30 countries. Depending on customer decision about existing infrastructure and systems, we could even deploy a brand new solution in a couple of days.
ES annually allocates a relevant portion of its incomes to support the most qualified resources in R&D, as a clear commitment to customer needs and technology evolution. In the last years, a sustainable growth of more than 40%
guaranties the availability of thousands of service points in different customer premises. The Spanish Trade of Zaragoza has recognized the Entertainment Solutions international projection with the Export Award 2013.
-Worldwide presence, in more than 50 countries, thorugh a Value Added Resellers channel.
-Installations in the 5 continents continually supported, where projects go from hotels and hospitals, to airports, theme parks, presidential palaces, banks, etc.
-More than 20. 000 IPTV rooms installed in hotels and hospitals, which converts Entertainment Solution in an Expert in the IPTV world.

No olvides que siempre puedes encontrar la información completa acerca de Entertainment Solutions S.l. en Zaragoza en el sitio web oficial, en la oficina de la empresa o llamandoles por teléfono

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  Página web oficial: www.entertainment-solutions.eu
 Teléfono:976 366 216
Otros medios de comunicación:  facebook twitter linkedin cataloxy
* Cuando llames no olvides informar que habías encontrado el contacto en Cataloxy
 Dirección: Vial A (Pol. Parq. Miraflores), 3
50720, Zaragoza, Zaragoza

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Palabra o frase clave:

ingenieria, peritos, ingenieros tecnicos de telecomunicacion, interactive television system, television, interactive television hotels, platform interactive services, plat, interactive television
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